
We offer trainings and workshops on a variety of topics with the goal of:

  • expanding investigator knowledge of proposal preparation, routing and submission
  • helping investigators write and submit highly competitive proposals
  • connecting investigators to the physical and administrative resources required for research 

The Grants & Research Workshop provides an introduction to the basics of grant proposal routing and submission process in ALVSCE and The University of Arizona. 

The most recent workshop was held during the Fall 2024 semester on September 25th, 2024. 

Fall 2024 Grants & Research Workshop Materials

Program Book (includes agenda and slides)


Next Workshop

Stay tuned! The ALVSCE Research Workshop will return on Fall 2025.

02/25/2025Introduction to Data Management Planning and Budgeting


Presentation Slides

01/14/2025NIH Grants Insights from Awardees & Reviewers


10/29/2024Reading & Understanding Requests for Applications


Presentation Slides

01/23/2024Routing and Submitting Proposals On Time: How to Avoid Common Delays

Presentation Slides

11/16/2023How to Read a Request for Applications (RFA) - Helpful TipsPresentation Slides

Resource # 1 - PIVOT

PIVOT is a portal to identify funding and expertise within as well as outside the University.


  1. Bookmark the main page
  2. At the PIVOT login page, use the "Access Pivot-RP using your Institution's Credentials (Shibboleth)" option, find "The University of Arizona", and sign in using your UA NetID as usual.
  3. Use the Research Development Services' PIVOT User Guide to get started!

Resource # 2 - Office of Research, Innovation, and Impact Curated Opportunities

RII Research Development Newsletters - Research Development Services (RDS) identifies opportunities relevant to the University of Arizona research community and circulates them in The Current, a biweekly email digest. Highlights include funding prospects, research-related events, and learning opportunities. They also offer listings for Limited Submissions and other opportunities.


  1. Bookmark the landing page
  2. Follow the provided links to subscribe to each of the newsletters. We highly recommend "The Current" and "Limited Submissions". Make sure to look for their emails every Tuesday (The Current) and Wednesday (Limited Submissions).

RAMtalk Listserv - Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) moderates the RAMTalk listserv, which is used to inform subscribers of events (including the monthly Research Administration Forum), deadlines and timelines, funding opportunities, policies and procedures, training opportunities, and other research related communications.

Go to and follow the instructions to sign up!

Resource # 3 - Arizona Cultivate

Arizona Cultivate is an online platform that streamlines the process for applying for opportunities across The University of Arizona including the Office of the Provost; Research Innovation & Impact; colleges and centers; and campus Limited Submissions (opportunities where the sponsor - either federal or foundation - limits the number of submissions an institution can submit).


  1. Bookmark the landing page.
  2. Use the search box and the filtering and sorting options to find opportunities that apply to you.