Our Services

Research Training

Training Information and resources can be found here

Upcoming training sessions can be found here

Information for the Research Showcase including registration details, can be found here.

For questions about ALVSCE Research training sessions please contact:

Zaida Zalbidea, zaidaz@arizona.edu - to book a place or ask questions about upcoming training 

Zelieann Craig, zelieann@arizona.edu - to request a PIVOT training session or suggest topics for future ALVSCE training sessions

Preaward Support

For general questions and resources for proposal development please review the topics here

Guidance and FAQs on proposal submission can be found here.

If you cannot find an answer to your question please contact ALVSCE-Research@arizona.edu 

To request proposal support please complete the Proposal Intake Form here.

To find your primary RA support for your unit please see table below

UnitContact for Grants & Contracts
Biosystems Engineering - BETheresa Spicer, tspicer@arizona.edu
School of Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences - ACBSRachel Crookston, crooksto@arizona.edu
Entomology - ENTOAlicia Cool, acool1@arizona.edu
Environmental Sciences - ENVSAnna Bounds, annabounds@arizona.edu
Human Ecology - HECLDavid Reeves, djreeves@arizona.edu
School of Nutritional Sciences and Wellness - NSWTheresa Spicer, tspicer@arizona.edu
School of Plant Sciences - PLSAlicia Cool, acool1@arizona.edu
School of Natural Resources and the Environment - SNREZach Sbragia, zsbragia@arizona.edu
SNRE Co-operative Research Unit (CRU)Rachel Crookston, crooksto@arizona.edu
Apache, Cochise, Coconino, Gila, Graham, Greenlee, La Paz, Mohave, Navajo, 
Pima, Pinal and Yuma Counties.
David Reeves, djreeves@arizona.edu
Maricopa CountyRachel Crookston, crooksto@arizona.edu
Santa Cruz CountyZach Sbragia, zsbragia@arizona.edu
Yavapai CountyAlicia Cool, acool1@arizona.edu
Extension Admin & Programs,
Natural Resources Users Law & Policy Center,
V-V Ranch, Safford Ag Center - SAC, Yuma Ag Center - YAC,
and Yuma Center of Excellence for Desert Agriculture - YCEDA
David Reeves, djreeves@arizona.edu
Research Admin, CALES Admin, and Maricopa Ag Center - MACRachel Crookston, crooksto@arizona.edu
Communications & Cyber Technology - CCTZach Sbragia, zsbragia@arizona.edu
Tribal Extension and Tribal Projects, and Water Resources Research Center - WRRCAnna Bounds, annabounds@arizona.edu