The Dean's Research Advisory Council (DRAC)

Biosystems Engineering - BE

Lingling An - on leave

Rex Recsetar - thru Spring 2025

Agricultural and Resource Economics - ARECTauhid Rahman2025
Agricultural Education, Technology and Innovation - AETITBD2025
School of Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences - ACBSArun Dhar2026
EntomologyYves Carrière2026
Human EcologyNicholas Bishop- Co-chair2027
School of Nutritional Sciences and WellnessAshley Snider - Chair2025
School of Plant SciencesAlexander Bucksch2028
School of Natural Resources and the Environment - SNRELaura Lopez-Hoffman2027
Environmental Sciences - ENVSMalak Tfaily2026
Cooperative ExtensionChannah Rock2025
ALVSCE Research Administration

Jon Chorover

Zelieann Craig



Members Guidlines

  1. The Council will consist of:
    • One tenure track or continuing faculty member from each CALS academic unit.
    • One continuing track Specialist from any academic unit nominated by the Associate Dean for Cooperative Extension
    • The Associate and Assistant Deans for research as ex-officio members
  2. Council members must be full-time tenure track or continuing track faculty at the Associate or Professor level with active research programs and demonstrated stature in their field.
  3. Council members serve for a period of four years.
  4. Tenure track members are nominated by Unit Heads, and an additional Specialist is nominated by the Associate Dean for Cooperative Extension. Nominations are approved by the Associate Dean for Research.
  5. The Council will elect a Chair and Co-Chair during the first meeting of the fall term who will each serve for one year. The Co-Chair will become the Chair the following year.
  6. Additional members may serve at the request of the Chair as ad hoc members.
  7. Council activities are supported by the CALS Research Office staff.
  8. Council members must attend at least 60% of the meetings over any six-month period. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the Council