The ALVSCE (Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences and Cooperative Extension) Research Office offers the following research development and support programs to stimulate new research initiatives, support existing programs and to enhance communication of research.
Innovation Venture Investment Program (IViP) - Currently On Hold
Download the submission instructions
The iViP funds novel and potentially transformative research in any area of inquiry that has the potential to fundamentally alter our understanding of an important principle or paradigm, and/or involves a significant technology advance. Proposals are intended to launch new research areas and projects; due to limited funds available proposals to obtain additional preliminary data for the next grant submission of an existing research program area will not be considered. All projects must show strong evidence that they will ultimately stimulate significant impactful research and be supported by sustained activity (grant, contract, intellectual property/company launch, etc.). Proposal format is intentionally flexible; proposals can be submitted as a standard short grant application or a white paper. The period of support is from six months to two years; maximum budget is $90,000 though smaller projects will be considered favorably. Please submit a single PDF file containing the proposal and budget to Funding decisions will be made by the Associate Vice President for Research based on recommendations of a faculty review committee.
Bridge Funding
The ALVSCE Bridge Funding program provides financial support to minimize disruption of existing research programs and projects that have temporarily lost external funding but show high promise of success in the next round of competitive review, in particular for proposals that just missed the payline or were ranked highly but not funded.
Applications are accepted at any time on a case by case basis. Please email the CALES Associate Dean for Research, Dr. Jon Chorover, at to request assistance.
Support For Invited Speakers - Currently On Hold
Support is available to ALVSCE Academic Units to bring prominent researchers to campus. Ideally, the invited scientist will have special appeal to Unit faculty as well as more general appeal to an ALVSCE-wide audience. Specifics of this program are as follows:
- Up to $1,500 will be reimbursed towards travel, food or honorarium for the speaker
- Units can request funds once each fiscal year
- The speaker should be a high profile, high impact scientist
- The Unit will handle logistics for the visit
- CALS will send a collegewide seminar announcement
- To request support, send the following information to
- Speaker Name
- Speaker Affiliation
- Unit Requesting funds
- Seminar date, title and location.
- Brief statement describing how inviting this speaker will benefit Unit faculty and be of interest to a broad CALS audience.
Funding decisions will be based on merit and availability of funds.